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Courtney Harvey

Courtney HarveyProfile Photo

Wilderness First Responder, Wilderness EMT

Courtney Harvey’s love for hiking, rock climbing, skiing, and camping was instilled by her parents at an early age. Her passion for outdoor recreation grew from there to include more remote activities like backcountry skiing, orienteering, and backpacking.

In graduate school, she studied strength and conditioning, and in 2015 she took her first wilderness first aid course. Shortly thereafter, she joined the search and rescue team in Killington, VT, and got further certifications as a wilderness first responder, a wilderness emergency medical technician, and then as an advanced EMT.

She continues to serve on the search and rescue team and now teaches CPR, first aid, and wilderness first aid for the Stonehearth Outdoor Learning Opportunities School, also known as SOLO. She also teaches wilderness leadership and safety skills to teenagers at the Okemo Mountain School.

Aug. 17, 2021

[SPECIAL EPISODE] What Does Connecting With Nature Mean to You?

Episode 20: Today, we celebrate our 20th episode by paying tribute to the ten amazing guests we’ve had on the podcast so far. Each of them has shared so much wisdom and valuable nuggets of information about photography, cre…
July 13, 2021

How to Safely Explore the Outdoors With Courtney Harvey

Episode 15: Today I sit down with certified wilderness first responder and instructor, Courtney Harvey , to chat about: Precautions and preparation steps to take before trekking out into nature, whether that is a local trail…