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Chase Tucker

Chase TuckerProfile Photo

Certified Strength and Conditioning Coach

Chase is an avid hiker with over eight years of experience as a certified strength and conditioning coach. In 2012, he founded Base Camp in Australia, which operated as a gym and mountain training camp to prepare Australians for overseas treks and climbs.

To reach a wider audience, he’s now expanded Base Camp to include online programs as well as an active YouTube channel, called Chase Mountains. With a background in solving lifestyle-based movement issues like painful knees and tight hips, his goal is to enable people to stay free of pain and injury while hiking, skiing, and climbing well into old age.

Aug. 17, 2021

[SPECIAL EPISODE] What Does Connecting With Nature Mean to You?

Episode 20: Today, we celebrate our 20th episode by paying tribute to the ten amazing guests we’ve had on the podcast so far. Each of them has shared so much wisdom and valuable nuggets of information about photography, cre…
April 20, 2021

How to Prevent Injuries and Prepare Your Body for Hiking with Chase Tucker

Episode 3: Today, I sit down with certified strength and conditioning coach, Chase Tucker , to chat about: How to prevent injuries and knee pain while hiking Common muscle weaknesses as a result of working a desk job and how…
Guest: Chase Tucker