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Kristen Ryan

Kristen RyanProfile Photo


Kristen Ryan is a fine art landscape photographer and educator specializing in capturing the grand and intimate beauty of our natural world. Photographing nature brings her a sense of calm and serenity, and she is passionate about helping others achieve that feeling through her teaching and retreats. Specifically, she loves to encourage women to find creativity and connection at her ladies’ landscape photography retreats held in the US and Canada and in her online community, called Women Capture Magic (

Nov. 8, 2022

What Does Connecting to Nature Mean to You? [Compilation]

Episode 84: Today, we’re paying tribute to the last ten incredible guests we’ve had on the podcast. Each of them has shared their wisdom and valuable perspectives about photography, creativity, composition, and connecting w…
Oct. 4, 2022

Being Responsive to the Landscape With Kristen Ryan

Episode 79: Today I sit down with landscape photographer, Kristen Ryan , to chat about: How taking photographs of her young children transitioned into her passion for landscape photography Her deep-rooted connection to the T…
Guest: Kristen Ryan